Since I clearly can't seem to find the time to post weekly pictures like I used to when Jack was little I thought I could at least take the time to update those who are still interested in the happenings of our lives.

Jack is 15 months old and beginning to gain an interest in talking - which we were afraid wouldn't ever happen. He loves the snow we've been getting! We've probably got close to a foot here in Kuna. Jack loves chasing the dogs around and teasing them with their bones.

For those that missed the news...We are pregnant again! Due May 11th! I'm really excited to not be pregnant in the summer again but dread walking in the snow or ice. I fear I've inherited my mother's balance and don't want to risk falling. We plan on finding out the sex on December 21st - hoping for a girl but will be thankful for a healthy baby.
Clayton started a new job that he absolutely loves and that I absolutely love too! He is such a great daddy and husband, I'm the luckiest lady in the world.
I'm still at DIRECTV. I love my job, just wish I could stay home with my boy! Hopefully that dream will become a reality sooner than later.

Our Thanksgiving was wonderful - we went to Clayton's grandparents and saw the whole family (except for Brandon and Brittany). It was really fun to watch Jack interact with his cousins. He doesn't quite know where he fits in, he isn't big enough to actually play with them - but he sure did love following them around. Then we went to my mom's house which was nice as well.
We kept with the same Thanksgiving tradition and rushed home after all of our visits to decorate for Christmas! Jack was exhausted as was mommy and daddy but we managed to get the tree done.
Hope everyone is getting around safe in this weather!