Friday, September 23, 2011

Rocket Ship PJ Party.

Yes, Clayton went along with my crazy mommy moment of insisting both boys wear their rocket ship p.j.s - and he also went along with taking pictures.

Though, we have not mastered the fine art of taking a photo of both boys. Seriously - How can I get both Jack and Owen to look at the camera at the same time and not look like they are HATING every second. I swear they really like each other!

Seriously my favorite picture of him yet. He is so darling. He loves to laugh and smile. 

Oh! And we gave Owen his first taste of 'real' food. Baby oatmeal. He hasn't taken to it really and I'm contemplating some different methods for introducing solid foods into his diet - but! The pictures are still cute.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where did my baby go?!

Jack has done a lot of growing up in the past six months. If I think about it too long it makes me cry. I feel like I became his Mommy just days ago, and I've blinked and now he is two! Now he can speak in sentences, ask for things, boss others around, put himself in timeout, eat an apple by himself, drink from a cup without a lid...Seriously! When did he get so big?! 

Next thing I know he's going to be driving away with a car full of friends (and girls, seriously, he's going to break some hearts with those eyes!), rolling his eyes at me for demanding a kiss. <3

I love this boy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


 Well, we decided it was time to brave the Boise Zoo with two children. It went really well! Owen only cried once when he was hungry and didn't seem to mind cruising around in the stroller. He did, however, get more and more naked as the trip went on since he seemed to be getting so hot.
 He started with pants, shoes, and a shirt. But, ended with no shoes or pants. :)

 If you look hard enough there is a giraffe. 

Jack loved the zebras. He kept neighing at them like horses. 

He LOVED the goats. He kept petting their heads and asking for more food to feed them.

Towards the end of our Zoo experience he decided he didn't need me or Clay to push Owen. He loves being a big brother.

On the way home he was so happy and sweet. He is such a great kid. It was really nice to get out of the house and do something as a family. :)


Well, after five years of being with Clay he finally tricked, forced, pulled and dragged me camping. Yes, camping with two children, with two children under two (well, mostly, he's only been two for like two weeks!). It was okay. It was dirty and full of bugs, but the food and company was good!

We left town a little late since I had to go to the dentist last minute and Owen was sick so we needed batteries for the swing. Yes, we took the swing camping! After the dentist and Target we started the drive to beautiful McCall around 1:30p. About 45 minutes into the drive a van starts flashing it's lights at me and keeps trying to pass me, which is pretty typical behavior for folks driving through the Idaho mountains on a holiday weekend so I didn't think much about it. Well, before I know it this woman is screaming at me telling me to roll my window down. Apparently our front right tire was really low and she suggested, yes suggested while driving along side me on the windy mountain roads, that we pull over at the next town to put air in it.

Well, the next thing I know the tire blows and I pull into someone's dirt driveway hysterical. What a beautiful way to start a camping trip! Oh! And by the way, driving no faster than 50 on a spare tire in holiday-camper traffic is NOT fun and equals lots of swearing, honking and flipping of the bird (not by me but other drivers to me and Clayton to the other drivers).

It took the better part of five hours to get to the camp site when it should have only taken three and a half.

It was really great to get together with most of Clay's family. It was a really good time and Jack loved playing with his Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Cousins. We went to Upper Payette Lake and were super close to the water - but to my surprise - Jack didn't try to run away from us, he didn't try to get in the water by himself and he ended up just enjoying the experience. The night was freezing cold, but thankfully I over packed for Jack (He wore two jackets, a shirt, footie pajamas and jeans to bed because he was so cold). Owen snuggled in a pile of blankets and warm clothes so he was okay. Meanwhile I froze with Clay on the air mattress and got maybe 3 hours of sleep. Needless to say we did not stay a second night.

Thankfully the drive home was less traumatic. Just a long, windy drive through the dark with sleeping boys.

Note to self: No camping until Owen is at least 3.