Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today was a trying day. With the whole family being sick and the nice weather outside Jack was a handful and poor Owen was fussy for, what felt like, 99% of the day. We missed out on going to my company picnic, which is sad. But, I as I sit here, for the first time all day - sitting - with my feet up, Clay bouncing a sleeping Owen in his bouncer and Jack dreaming peacefully I am so grateful to being living the life I am. I am so happy that Clay is my husband, and so thankful for everything he does for me and our little family. He is such a great husband and father. Jack is such an adorable child, such a silly spirit and caring personality. He has adjusted well to being a big brother and I'm so excited for what lies ahead. Owen is a happy and healthy (mostly, except for this little bug we've all got) baby. He doesn't sleep through the night, he doesn't roll over or enjoy tummy time, both probably because I spend too much time holding him and giving him cuddles, but he is wonderfully perfect and I'm so happy to have him.

While baking cookies, yes - sick and baking, I'm crazy, I realized that tomorrow will be five years since Clay and I started going out. Five years. Looking back makes me smile. Remembering living in the apartment with an old friend and having the time of our lives - staying up all night, being irresponsible and just enjoying being young. I remember Clay's stuff accumulating in the corner of my room until one night while laying in bed we decided it just made sense for him to actually move in. I remember our first fight and him moving out. Then, I remember him coming back. I remember when he asked me to marry him and I said yes, and put the ring on my own finger before he could do it. I remember hunting for a rental and knowing when we found our first home together. And our wedding. I remember the two pink lines on the millionth pregnancy test and waking him up screaming and crying 'it says yes!' I remember house hunting and moving into our home, putting together Jack's nursery and bringing home our precious son. I remember the two pink lines again, this time casually mentioning 'No more beer or cigarettes for me!' (not that I drink or smoke) and the smile that came to his face. And the tear that came to his eye when Owen was born.

I love my amazing husband more than anything. And our amazing family. Our boys and our home. I'm so grateful for everything that is.

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