Thursday, July 21, 2011

5 am.

Owen went in for his two month appointment - he weighed in at 14 pounds 3 oz and is 24 1/4 inches long. He is healthy and generally happy. I am so blessed to have two healthy boys!

Owen has been waking a lot less at night, which is great - but I've become spoiled. He will usually sleep from 9pm to 3am, eat then sleep until 8am. Not last night. He ate at 10pm, woke up at 1am, woke up at 3am, 5:30am and has decided to play in his pack and play/mommy's bed since. He's smiling and cooing and even giggling - between the big yawns. He's fallen asleep for a few seconds then quickly wakes himself up. He's such a silly boy with so much personality already.

Jack will be two in a month. I can't believe it. Where did my baby boy go? He's talking so much...
He knows what a lion, dinosaur, kitty, dog, fish, bird, duck, frog and bee say. He knows where his eyes, teeth, tongue, mouth,, cheeks, hair, nose, chin, ear, fingers, toes, feet, knees, belly and belly button are. He says: mom, daddy, Owen (sounds like Ooooopn), Roxy (the cat's name), dog, milk, lotion, out (for outside), fish (sounds like ish), go, car, and truck (sounds like..well, not truck but something terribly inappropriate that rhymes). He LOVES playing outside and would probably live in the dirt if I let him.

Clay and I decided that I'm staying home. I quit my job this week - though no one has responded to my emails. It's a dream come true, which sounds silly, but it is. I am so excited to stay home and raise my babies.

The daycare is working out well. Things are going smoothly for the most part. I still have an opening if you know anyone! :)

Well, I should shower before Jack wakes up.


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