Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Going Public.

I've given it lots of thought, I've probably lost a little sleep over it. But, I've made the decsion today to go public. There are many reasons why I've kept my blog private, and none of them seem as important as they used to.

So. I'm going to be linking up (if I can figure out how), updating often (regularly even!) and keeping the writer in me alive. I'm not sure how it'll evolve, or if it even will but I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens.

Clay and I rang in the New Year at home, with our babies sleeping peacefully. We don't really do resolutions around here, but I do have some things that I need to change, that I've stopped doing and that I need to start. Don't we all? The New Year is just the perfect chance.

I was really good about meal planning and grocery shopping only twice a month this summer. We saved a bunch of money, it saved me a ton of time and stress about dinner and we ate much better. I'm going to start doing this again. Maybe I'll make it into a monthly post!

I need to start exercising again. Clay and I both started running in the Summer but then it got too hot, then too cold and then we were too busy. UGH! I'm on a mission to make time for myself, even if it's just 15 minutes, to work out.

Clay and I need to be better about making time for ourselves to go out and do something. We rarely get out together. It would be amazing to go on a date once every two weeks.

Blogging! I need to be a better blogger. I love having my own space and being able to talk about whatever I want but I seem to NEVER make time for it. That changes today!

I'll be putting together several posts so keep an eye out in the upcoming days!

What are your goals or resolutions for the New Year?

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