Yesterday's appointment went well. The ultrasound tech, the same one we've had for all of our ultrasounds but one, again confirmed it's a boy. Owen is measuring in the 75th percentile and is around 6 pounds 11 ounces. He's got lots of hair! The ultrasound tech was really excited about his hair. Our little monkey is breech. Completely breech. He hasn't had any interest in moving his head from under my left ribs since he was big enough to cause me discomfort there.
The doctor that I saw isn't my normal doctor - which I hate, but she's a sweet lady, told me to do butt-ups. Yes. Butt-ups. She told me to lay flat on my back with my knees bend and lift my hips up towards the sky. Yes, thrust. 15 minutes three times a day. I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E. I made Clay do them with me last night and I cried after about five minutes. It's so uncomfortable and painful. It felt like my back was going to break.
If Owen is still breech for our next appointment (April 19th) then we will be given the choice to try to turn him. I'm told they'll 'lube up the belly and find his head and his butt and push them to where they should be'. Not only does that not sound like something anyone should be doing to a infant still in the womb but it sounds painful. With only a 50-58% success rate (depending on where you do research) it doesn't sound worth it.
Some have suggested acupuncture and a chiropractor - both of which I plan on looking into. I do not want a c-section. The thought of not being able to pick up Jack to give him love breaks my heart. And also, the thought of someone ripping their way through my body to get a baby out makes me want to vomit. But, of course, I will do what it best for Owen and myself.
So! April 19th. Please send me turning baby vibes or any other suggestions you may have for getting this stinker to turn butt up!
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