Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Headaches and rapid heartbeats.

Saturday night I had a terrible headache and suddenly lost my peripheral vision in my right eye. Thinking it was just a migraine I laid down and went to sleep. I woke up Sunday with a headache, all day long. And Monday, I tried to go to work only to have to go into Labor and Delivery because my head hurt so bad and I was seeing double (which in turn was making me nauseated). I was monitored for about an hour and everything came back normal.

Still had a headache.

Woke up on Tuesday and called my doctor's office to schedule a follow up appointment and got lucky - I got to see my doctor at 11:00am. I adore her, even though she is rather cold and distant - I always know what she's thinking and because she's very direct I can't misunderstand a thing! Well, Owen's heart beat was around 170 beats per minute and she was concerned that he was under stress. So, I was again monitored for about an hour and a half. Owen's heart rate settled down and I was sent home to do nothing - told to stay off of my feet.

Still had a headache.

Now, I'm scheduled to follow up on Thursday, with a different doctor (which I hate, not the doctor herself - but the lack of consistency). Today, I'm allowed to go back to work. I hope I can work through my head hurting like it does. Right now, it's okay - but as soon as I get up and start moving around it begins to throb.

So, here is what I know:
1. I still have a headache and no one can tell me why.
2. My blood pressure isn't high - which is good.
3. I'm dilated to a one and a half.
4. Dr. Bradley said she thought she felt the head when seeing how dilated I was - but Owen's heartbeat couldn't be found low on my belly, only high by my ribs.
5. I go back on Thursday to be monitored again to make sure Owen is okay.
6. I then go back again on Tuesday to see if he is still breech and if he is we will schedule turning him.
7. If we can't turn him then we will have to schedule a c-section (if turning him doesn't cause my water to break, stress on the baby, etc) for 39 weeks, which is the week of May 1st.
8. I'm so ready to have this baby, I just want him to be healthy and I was this headache to go away!

I will update more on Thursday. Hopefully Owen is good and my head has stopped hurting by then!

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