Saturday, October 22, 2011


What a busy time of the year!

Owen and Jack are both growing up so fast, I just want to pause this month and spend more time making them smile! Sometimes the days get away from me with the laundry, house cleaning, dishes, dinner making and bill paying that must go on.

Jack is speaking in full sentences and perfecting the art of ignoring me. He loves to jump around the house, tear the couch apart and test my ability to ignore the dangerous leaps he attempts (and usually completes). He's two so he's got the fit throwing down and I've started claisfying them (a stage one, two, three....he's really good at finding a way to actually cause himself physical pain in the middle of a fit. So far we've avoiding any real tantrums in public places. AND HE'S SLEEPING IN HIS BIG BOY BED! If I stop to think about it for too long I'll cry. He's such a big kid.

Owen is rolling all over the place, usually into things that he shouldn't be getting into. He is spoiled and it's my fault. He is just too darn cuddly and cute to put down! Clay wants to move him into his own room but so far I'm winning that battle. The little bug won't sleep through the night more than once a week. He just loves waking up in the middle of the night to nurse and cuddle with Mommy. He also has TWO, yes TWO teeth. They are kicking his butt and keeping Mommy and Daddy up ALL night. But, it's so cute to see his toothy grin!

Clayton is loving his promotion. He's got such a passion and talent for what he does. It makes me happy to see him so fulfilled at work. He is so amazing! He's almost finished, or is finished (who knows!) helping re-roof his Grandparent's roof! It's been hard work, long days away from us but he's liked it. Now - if we ever need a new roof he'll know how to do it! But, he says if we ever need a new roof we are moving! :)

The daycare is going well. I have a total of five children enrolled, one is in kindergarten so she only comes during the afternoons or when school is out for the day - if she comes at all. Four children under the age of three is a lot to handle and I'm figuring out that there are days when I can't handle it. Lucky for me, Clay's mom has offered to help. So, for now, things are okay.

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