Friday, October 28, 2011

Just because!

Cena came for a visit and talked about how she made caramel apples...Clayton couldn't get them off of his mind, so to the store we went! They make caramel wraps! So easy and yummy. Though, messy!! 

Jack just ate the caramel off...

Please note there are only pictures of Jack eating his apple, adults eating caramel apples isn't cute. :)

During nap-time this week Jack decided to make a bed on the ottoman. So cute! (he seems to never have a shirt on...Hmph)

This melts my heart. I love it when they get along so well. 

Seriously! Perfection! If only Jack had more clothes on.

Our poor baby Jack didn't feel well and took a nap with Daddy!

Now that Owen is sitting up we can give both boys a bath at the same time (trust me, it's a HUGE deal!). They love it.

We have a very busy weekend ahead of us. I'm trying to catch up on laundry and house cleaning (these daycare kids are making it impossible to keep my house clean!). Tonight we have my mom's birthday dinner, tomorrow we have date night, pumpkin carving, grocery shopping, bountiful basket, trunk or treating...AH! It's too much to think about. 

So excited for all of the memories waiting to be made from this time of year! 



  1. Oh! And I swear that Owen wears more than just that outfit...I just really like it so when it's clean he's wearing it! :)

  2. i LOVE the one of them looking & laughing at eachother. i got one of the girls like that last week at the park - it might be my favorite!
    the busy is good & so worth it!! For me, i think the anticipation of getting through all the plans & activities is what makes me more anxious than actually being there & doing it. Then when you look back the next day, you think - that wasn't so bad at all! in fact, it was great - let's do it again! ;)
