Tuesday, March 29, 2011

34 weeks, but who is counting!?

Eating cereal on the couch with Daddy
34 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Clayton had a realization yesterday while he was on his way home from work and I was on my way to work. He called me and said 'We could have this baby in just a couple of weeks, huh?' and I sweetly responded 'yes, no more than 6 and probably no less than 3 - are you okay?' He laughed and explained that it's just all sinking in that we'll be the parents to two boys.

I've started saying 'the boys' or 'the kids'...It just makes me feel old. Probably because 'the kids' reminds me of my mom. Who isn't old - I'm just saying.

He just wanted to eat it!
We have an ultra sound on April 4th to measure little Owen. He was close to 5 pounds three weeks ago. And, according to all of the baby websites and books I've read he should be gaining half a pound each week. So, by April 4th he will have had four weeks to grow, which is two pounds...So, if he isn't a porker (which Jack was so I won't be shocked) he should be measuring around 7 pounds already. I'm praying he isn't bigger than his brother (three weeks early and still 8 pounds 6 oz.)
Painted more on his face and highchair 

Speaking of Jack! He's getting so big and grown up. He says 'brush teeth', 'shoes!', 'banana', 'kitty kitty' and he's sorta interested in going potty. He mostly enjoys sitting on it and standing up and taking the potty apart. No successful potty in the potty yet - but I'm not entire convinced he understands it's purpose. He also eats with a fork which is just adorable.

 Well, I'll be sure to update next week after our ultra sound, hopefully with good news of a healthy - big and almost ready baby!

He loved bath time with bubbles!
Bubble head!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Owen's Room and Jack!

Owen's room is almost finished. Clay is going to stain a shelf with coat hooks and hang it, and we are looking for some affordable corner shelves, but other than that - we are ready for him.

I'm ready to be done with being pregnant. I love it - I really do. But, when breathing becomes a struggle and I can't even cuddle with Clay anymore because of the beach ball that separates us - I'm ready for a baby!

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday! Clay and I went out to dinner and then went to a craft store. I desperately need to be done nesting...It's exhausting and costly!

Jack had his first ER visit. I'm shocked it took him almost 19 months...He climbs, falls, throws and jumps onto or off of anything. This time he was climbing onto his highchair and it toppled onto him. He bit through his lip - but it wasn't enough for stitches. It hasn't stopped him from climbing on it still.

I also made these cute little wire names for the boy's doors. My fingers hurt but they are adorable! Can't wait to hang them!

32 weeks pregnant...only 8 weeks to go. I'll be shocked if I make it 6!

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Baby!

I started this blog with the best intentions, but it seems to have falling to the waste side ever since we found out we are expecting a second baby boy! I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

Owen James is expected to make his entrance into the world on May 11, 2011 - but I'm certain he'll come earlier than that. Currently, I'm 30 weeks along but measuring 36 weeks - so, I'm either going to give birth to a toddler or he'll need to come out a little sooner than May.

Jack is getting so big and has finally started talking. He says words like kitty, pretty, daddy, mommy, banana, hot and hi. I can't believe he's talking already!

I'm so excited for him to be a big brother - yet so scared. I feel like I might be taking something away from him and he isn't old enough to understand the impact this baby is going to have on his world! I hope that he adjusts well and doesn't try to poke Owen's eyes out. And yes, I have nightmares of this happening.

We have an ultrasound on Monday to measure the growth of Owen to see if he needs to come out sooner than expected. I'll update again then.

Enjoy the sun!