Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, Part 1!

...This is how fly kids brush their teeth.

Seriously. Cutest. Kid. Ever! 

Jack is a lion. Owen is a monkey. I'm debating using eye liner for Jack's face tonight when we go trick or treating. We'll see!

In the car, on the way. Poor kid was sweating to death so we rolled his window down (he also was having a stage 10 tantrum and this was a easy distraction).

OMG! Look at that face!

Every time someone would put candy in his bag he'd reach for it and say 'MORE!?'

So cute!

...I'll give you $100 if you can get them both to look at the camera and smile. Seriously, $100!

Look at those CHINS!

I'm ready for this holiday to be done with. Two small children getting dressed up to walk around in the cold and collect candy isn't as much fun as I thought. But! It will be SO much fun when they are just a little older! I'm thinking Mario and Lugi for next year! :)


Friday, October 28, 2011

Just because!

Cena came for a visit and talked about how she made caramel apples...Clayton couldn't get them off of his mind, so to the store we went! They make caramel wraps! So easy and yummy. Though, messy!! 

Jack just ate the caramel off...

Please note there are only pictures of Jack eating his apple, adults eating caramel apples isn't cute. :)

During nap-time this week Jack decided to make a bed on the ottoman. So cute! (he seems to never have a shirt on...Hmph)

This melts my heart. I love it when they get along so well. 

Seriously! Perfection! If only Jack had more clothes on.

Our poor baby Jack didn't feel well and took a nap with Daddy!

Now that Owen is sitting up we can give both boys a bath at the same time (trust me, it's a HUGE deal!). They love it.

We have a very busy weekend ahead of us. I'm trying to catch up on laundry and house cleaning (these daycare kids are making it impossible to keep my house clean!). Tonight we have my mom's birthday dinner, tomorrow we have date night, pumpkin carving, grocery shopping, bountiful basket, trunk or treating...AH! It's too much to think about. 

So excited for all of the memories waiting to be made from this time of year! 


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Days!

Owen is 5 months old and...

Sitting up! It happened overnight! We haven't even been practicing, mostly because we've been really busy and I haven't been dying to see my little bug grow up any faster than he is. While I was cooking dinner Clayton was playing with the boys on the floor. Suddenly I hear 'Honey! Look! He's doing it!' and I look over and there Owen is, covered in drool - smiling from ear to ear SITTING UP! My reaction was simple... 'DON'T LET HIM DO THAT! PUSH HIM OVER!' Of course, we didn't - and I wasn't serious, but really! Do they have to grow up so fast?

This big boy melts my heart. When did he get so old looking? He's seriously going to break hearts. Poor girls!

OMG! He's so cute! I can't hardly stand it!

We are trying to introduce solids to Owen. We are trying a different approach with this baby. Baby Lead Weening. Look it up! It's CRAZY and we are doing it, sorta. We gave him some bananas and noodles.

This was his face most of the time. You would think the bananas were sour! So cute.

And this is Jack. covered in sauce. Cute until you are the one that has to clean him off. 

Oh the adventures of sleeping in a big boy bed. Seriously. HOW DO YOU FALL ASLEEP WITH YOUR LEG IN AN EASTER BASKET?! How does that happen?! Why was his Easter basket in his room? 

 We finally decided to brave the pumpkin patch, though we went to the fancy local attraction that includes slides, a corn pit (yes, a pit filled with dried corn!), pony and hay rides and so much more!

He's so handsome!

I love my boys!

He kept neighing at the cow ride, so cute!

This is the result of what felt like 20 minutes trying to get both of them to look at me and sit and take a darn picture. This is seriously the best of what we got. 

He was so interested in the lumpy pumpkins!

Owen was there too, this is the proof.

He neighs SO loud when he sees an actual horse. 

He was so utterly uninterested and annoyed that I made him sit here for this picture.

They both were. But, how cute are they!

OMG! Jack rode a pony! He was really excited to get on it, then immediately wanted off. He kept asking 'Off?' 'Out?' 'All done!' and then when we started walking and he LOVED it!

So adorable!

Life is good! Busy with two little ones but I'm loving every minute of it (well, maybe not the minute, or ten, Jack throws a fit or Owen poops all over the cute outfit I just put him in, let's be honest)! They are growing up WAY to fast. Halloween is so close - I'm excited for Jack to get to trick or treat. We've been practicing!

Until next time! <3


What a busy time of the year!

Owen and Jack are both growing up so fast, I just want to pause this month and spend more time making them smile! Sometimes the days get away from me with the laundry, house cleaning, dishes, dinner making and bill paying that must go on.

Jack is speaking in full sentences and perfecting the art of ignoring me. He loves to jump around the house, tear the couch apart and test my ability to ignore the dangerous leaps he attempts (and usually completes). He's two so he's got the fit throwing down and I've started claisfying them (a stage one, two, three....he's really good at finding a way to actually cause himself physical pain in the middle of a fit. So far we've avoiding any real tantrums in public places. AND HE'S SLEEPING IN HIS BIG BOY BED! If I stop to think about it for too long I'll cry. He's such a big kid.

Owen is rolling all over the place, usually into things that he shouldn't be getting into. He is spoiled and it's my fault. He is just too darn cuddly and cute to put down! Clay wants to move him into his own room but so far I'm winning that battle. The little bug won't sleep through the night more than once a week. He just loves waking up in the middle of the night to nurse and cuddle with Mommy. He also has TWO, yes TWO teeth. They are kicking his butt and keeping Mommy and Daddy up ALL night. But, it's so cute to see his toothy grin!

Clayton is loving his promotion. He's got such a passion and talent for what he does. It makes me happy to see him so fulfilled at work. He is so amazing! He's almost finished, or is finished (who knows!) helping re-roof his Grandparent's roof! It's been hard work, long days away from us but he's liked it. Now - if we ever need a new roof he'll know how to do it! But, he says if we ever need a new roof we are moving! :)

The daycare is going well. I have a total of five children enrolled, one is in kindergarten so she only comes during the afternoons or when school is out for the day - if she comes at all. Four children under the age of three is a lot to handle and I'm figuring out that there are days when I can't handle it. Lucky for me, Clay's mom has offered to help. So, for now, things are okay.