Monday, January 7, 2013

Front Door Wreath.

I consider myself a crafty person. I love making things, painting, creating, etc. But, I'm also really cheap. I hate spending money on said crafts. I love the idea of a seasonal wreath for my front door. With the daycare I have people at my front door all of the time and I love how homey and cute a wreath is. But, have you looked at all of the possibilities for a wreath? I can't spend $20 on every wreath I want. So, I've come up with a simple, easy and almost free solution.

I rip apart my old wreath and reuse the same base. Every time.

Here is the original wreath I made. I bought the base at a craft store for $15. Then hot glued the flowers and bow. 

When it was time for Christmas I popped off the flowers and bow and added some holly berries that I found in a random Christmas bin, made a new bow and added a sparkly sign (Thanks Crystal, you come up a lot in this blog! Ha!)

Now I've decorated for Valentines Day (Clay HATES that I'm following suit with the grocery stores and just decorating from one holiday to the next with no break in between...) and my wreath had to be changed again! 

I don't have many Valentine's decorations but I just pulled from what I had. This is what I came up with!

I bought the wire heart things from the dollar store last year and had them wrapped around the porch railing but I love the look of this on the wreath. I feel like it's missing something so I may add to it but for now it's pretty! and it was free!

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